A few days ago

Hard decisions???

plz help me!!!!! what are some topics for some hard decisions? for example…… chocolate or vanilla?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
phoebe r

Favorite Answer

depends on your age….

uniforms vs no uniforms (at school)

Roe vs. Wade



A few days ago
Civis Romanus
Chocolate or vanilla? That’s pretty small potatoes compared to some of the hard decisions that need to be made in this world.

Should America withdraw its troops from Iraq, or stay and finish the job?

Should Americans change their lifestyle to save the planet, or continue the way they are living to boost the economy?

Should Spanish be an official language of the United States, or should there be only one official language — English?

These are truly hard decisions, the kind that can change the course of history and the shape of America’s future.