A few days ago

Graphing: how to get the coordinates?

y ≥ -(½)x + 3

My book is saying that the coordinates are (2,2) and (3, 3/2).

How did they conclude those coordinates?

Here’s another example that I would appreciate help on:

y > 10x

They say the coordinates are (½, 5)

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
Marley K

Favorite Answer

To get the coordinates, you choose an x value, plug it in, calculate, and get the y value.

For y= -(1/2)x + 3, put the value 2 in for x and you get

y = -1 + 3, when you multiply 1/2 times 2, now combine,

y = 2. So the coordinates are (2,2)

for the second pair of coordinates, put 3 in for x and do the same thing:

y = – (1/2) (3) + 3 = – 3/2 + 3 = 3/2

So, (x,y) = (3,3/2)

for y = 10x, put the 1/2 in for x

y = 10 (1/2) = 5.

those coordinates are all right!