A few days ago

What have been the most significant changes in health and human services over the past fifty years?

How has society’s responsibility to individual needs changed in the last ten years?

· Who should determine health and human services needs?

· What should the role of health and human services workers be in relation to the future needs of American society?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

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Boy thats a tuffy but Im going to give it a shot.

Before I went into college in the early 90’s I worked for

a government program that went into elderly and handicapped peoples home and helped them with everyday

living skills that they could not attend to themselves.

That program ceased within 3 years. I then worked for a hospital with a chemical dependency treatment program that almost anyone could attend if they needed help.-There were

3 places to receive treatment at in my town then-Now there

are none.

I think that there are alot of people now on programs that dont need it (medicaid ) but it makes it bad for the people that really do.

I beleive that there has to be something done by the government because we have too many people without healthcare now that cant afford it. The people with a lot of money or no money are the ones that get help.

The middle-working class, who actually work for a living and

are willing to, are the ones suffering the most.

Health and human service workers can take a stand and help elect people into government positions who are willing

to help the people who are left out. The working poor.