A few days ago

Future Career Project. plz help??

For my business and technology class we are learning about our personalities and careers. We have to list 3 things that we are proud of in our life and I know it sounds terrible, but I can only think of one. The one I have so far is that I am proud that my college is paid for already. Can someone please help me? I’m desperate.

btw, I’m a freshman

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago
bryce k

Favorite Answer

No, the friends thing is really good. Did you win any awards in Jr. High? Put those on there. Have you ever got like a special reward because you were better than everybody else at something like cheerleading? Put it on there. Most stuff is really Ok for that kind of poster. Just try hard and dont screw up.

A few days ago
I’m sure you have done much to be proud of. Paying off college early is a HUGE accomplishment. And being able to make friends is good too – it shows that you can get along with different people.

Sometimes it is hard to recognize it in yourself though!! Try asking yourself the following. Hope this will help:

1 What do people compliment you about?

2 What have other people said that you’ve done well?

3 When have you felt most happy and energized? Sometimes this happens when we are doing something that we really like. Have you accomplished something during this time?

4 When have you felt the smartest? (Like did you get an “A” on a major exam in a really tough subject?)

5 What kind of problems have you overcome?

6 How do your friends describe you? How do you describe yourself?

7 Also, think about your personality. Maybe you are proud that you are open minded or that you are compassionate. Think about situations when you’ve demonstrated that quality.

8 And think about your skills. If you can write those down, try to think of situations where you’ve used them. For example, if you can sing – maybe you organized a group of people to sing at a nursing home for example or you learned how to use a difficult computer program all by yourself. Ask your family and friends to tell you what skills they think you have. Sometimes it easier for other people to see good things about us than for us to see those same things.

There is also a really good skills list here: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/626/01/. It can help jog your memory about some things that you’ve accomplished (or things that you simply are).


A few days ago
Friends = Social Network

When you enter the work force, you will soon realize that a functional social network is important for career development. People go through several phases and segueway through a variety of career opportunities either out of interest, predetermined goals, or simply to increase personal income. A social network is often overlooked as useful channels to learn about and explore different career paths. (in some cases, just to get your foot in the door)

College finances

Certainly, if you have successfully found a way to finance your education, then you have an advantage over most students. I was mired with a six figure debt upon graduation. (private school) As a matter of practicality, graduating without significant debt means more money in your pocket and more opportunities to diversify and build equity as well as net worth.

Are you proud of your academic achievements? Do you have a general idea as to where you wanna go with your career? That is something to be proud of because most undergrads have extreme difficulty struggling with what they want to do with their lives. Do you have any particular skill sets and/or instincts that you’re proud of? You may have acquired them out of interest, work experience, and per chance.


A few days ago
Monica Sardonica
I think you’re getting stuck because you are looking for past “plaques” or “trophies”. Maybe it doesn’t have to be that specific. If you are proud that you paid for your college in advance, what you are really saying is “I am proud that I am financially responsible”.

I am proud I am attending the university of my choice.

I am proud that I lost 10 pounds and kept it off.

I am proud that I am not a smoker.

I am proud to be a competitive swimmer.

I am proud of my tenacity and commitment to special people in my life; I’m proud of my loyalty to others.

etc. etc…. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a big trophy; I would think it could be kind of general.

Try saying is like this, “some of my strengths are….”


A few days ago
you could also add that your proud of yourself that you made it this far and took the time to learn the education because without your education you wouldn’t have made it this far to go to college. You could say how thankful to have your family because with out them you would be lost because your family pushes you through the struggly times and gives you hope.

Hope this helps!


A few days ago
you could be proud of your friends and family because believe it or not, they have shaped who you are today. you can also put that you are proud of yourself for going to college, a lot of people either can’t or just don’t

A few days ago
if your college is already paid for then i’m sure you have good grades

so you could say..

-i have always worked my hardest to get the best grades

do you play sports? maybe you won something involving sports?

or maybe it can be as simple as always being a good friend/daughter/sister

or being a good role model to others

i hope this helped! and good luck with your project!!


A few days ago
do you have any hobbies, clubs, or sports that you have been committed to for many years? you must have gotten something out of that all those years you were dedicated to it.

Did you help in raising a family member? your younger bro or sis? have you ever had a job before and stuck with it- you surely got something out of that.