A few days ago

Can some one explain this algebra problem to me?

Write the equation of the line with x-intercept (7, 0) and y-intercept (0, 1).

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago
michelle s

Favorite Answer

slope intercept is y=mx+b

in the set (7,0) the 7 represents an x and the y a 0

and in the set (0,1) the 0 represents x and 1 represents y

The slope is the the first y subtracted from the second y OVER the first x subtracted from the second x.


Find the equation of the line that passes through the points

(-2, 4) and (1, 2).

slope (m) = 4-2 / (-2 -1)

Well, if I have two points on a straight line, I can always find the slope; that’s what the slope formula is for.

Now I can solve for b

I can do this by picking either set and plugging it ionto the equation. I am going to use (-2,4).

4=(my slopewhich is) -2/3x+ (-2)

now I have my b value by solving this equation. b= 8/3

NOw I have all the infor I need to write in slope intercept.

y= -2/3 x + 8/3.

Follow the same steps for your problem and you should do just fine!

L:et me know if you need more help


A few days ago
I got my kids a book that made math easier for them.

Math Doesn’t Suck — is written by the girl on Boy Meets World T V show as she brillinat at math and want girl and boys to undedstand math better.

The problem: both the (7) and the (1) are postive number so your line will be on a downward slope from 1 on the y to the 7 on the x.


A few days ago
y = -7x + 1 : SLope is -7, Y intercept is 1

A few days ago
you already have the y-intercept; you just need to find the slope

A few days ago
it means the lie crosses the x axis at the co-ordiante (7,0) and it crosses the y axis at the co-ordinate (0,1).

Hope this helps

ps i think you use the formula ?=mx+c