A few days ago

Find the derivative of Y=1/√x?

What is the thought process to get to the answer of -1/2x^3/2

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

This equation can be written as:

Y = x^(-1/2)

The derivative of anything that looks like X^K is K*X^(K-1)

Substitute K = -1/2 and you get your result.

This should have been the first thing you learned about derivatives.


A few days ago
If you rewrite 1/√x as x^(-1/2), it’s easier to see how the derivative is found. (-1/2) x^(-1/2 – 1) or (-1/2)x^(-3/2). Hope this helps you. It’s hard doing it on the computer without simply writing it.

A few days ago
Rubinstein G
think of it as y=x^(-1/2). Then you use the power rule where the new coefficient becomes 1*(-1/2) and the new exponent becomes -1/2 – 1, which is -3/2.

Now youve got -1/2 x ^ (-3/2), but you can rewrite the negative exponent as a fraction with a numerator of 1, so you’ve got

-1/2 * 1/x^(3/2) = -1/(2*x^(3/2))


A few days ago
koi goldfish
The derivative is Y= -0.5(X^-1.5) using the formula below.

The formula is Y=X^j

j= -0.5

The answer is dY/dX=j*X^(j-1)


Y+delta Y = (X+ delta X)^j

delta Y = [(X+ delta X)^j]-X^j

(delta Y)/delta X = {[(X+ delta X)^j]-X^j}/delta X

(delta Y)/delta X = {[X^j+j*delta X*X^(j-1)+…]-X^j}/ delta X

lim (delta Y)/delta X = j*X^(j-1)

dY/dX= j*X^(j-1)


A few days ago
Try multiplication.