A few days ago

Essay Topic on education, need help, suggestions?

Im stuck and can’t even come up with a thesis statment on How does education empower/ enrich an individual? and i need to write 3 pages on that and I don’t even have the slightiest clue how to get started, thanks for your suggestions.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
four feet six

Favorite Answer

To empower is to give authority to somebody; to make one more confident or assertive; or to give somebody a greater sense of confidence or self-esteem.

To enrich is to improve the quality of something usually by the addition or increase of some desirable quality, attribute, or ingredient. Example – The experience will enrich your life. Example – Adding butter will enrich the flavor of the sauce.

Enrich can mean to cause to be more interesting, important, or rewarding.

Example – They enriched the school’s curriculum by adding multi-media presentations.

Enrich may also mean to make somebody or something wealthier, to increase the amount of money that somebody or something has.

Remember, education does not always mean schooling. Cite instances of non-formal education and how one’s life could be enriched or empowered.

Education is an important factor in the creation of leaders.

Education bolsters a person’s self-esteem, leadership, and happiness.

Educated people are happy people.

Uneducated people have to struggle to succeed.

Uneducated does not mean ignorant.

An education does not guarantee intelligence in life’s circumstances.


A few days ago
Knowledge is power! A quality education is designed to give you the knowledge you need. Just think how someone starts a new job and is oriented to the job by a co-worker. The co-worker has the power because of his or her knowledge of the job. And think about it in monetary terms. Living the good life takes alot of money. Without a quality education, the “good life” is never realized and “just getting by” is the way of life. Also, with a quality education, you have a choice of what job you will do, without one, you settle for what ever job you can get.

A few days ago
Some ideas:

1) Education provides people with the knowledge they need to enter the workforce and become contributors in society.

2) Education empowers people by helping them understand the world around them.


A few days ago
If you get a quality education, it doesn’t matter what your social or economic background is — you can still improve your life.