A few days ago

Essay Help!!!?

Well I have to write about the 10 most important things about me. Problem is I don’t know how to start it. So can you guys please help me start it.

OH and don’t say The ten most important things about me are…..

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

you may start with:

there are many ways to know a person.everyone has things they like.mine are…..


A few days ago
start of with something like:

often, we fail to see our own qualties. as humans, we sometimes lack the ability to realise our strengths and what we can offer to the world around us. sometimes we even forget to look at ourselves properly and see the important parts of ourselves. etc.

ask your self why you are being asked to write this essay, is it for personal satisfaction, or a portfolio? write everything that comes to mind on paper. BRAINSTORM. aand the rest will come to you.
