A few days ago
Ocean Princess

Does what a person read affect his character?


Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

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Ocean Princess – I say definitely. It’s what programs our mind to react to various situations that arise day to day. My dad was really picky about this very point and carefully selected what books he would read. He even threw away our television set when I was a kid- literally! (a bit extreme I think) – because of his concern about this. He always would say. “it’s food for your mind, be careful what you feed your brain” – stuff like that.

What we take in through any of our senses affects our thinking. I’d go so far as to say that whatever we take in affects the way the world reacts to us and what environment we find ourselves in. We draw to ourselves other people and places that match our own thinking. I think it’s a law of nature.


A few days ago
no. A lot of ordinarily nice people read some, lets just say “unfavorable” things occasionally. It doesn’t mean they are flawed as a person, it means they are living vicariously through a situation they would never encounter in real life. Movies have a similar effect. (Wedding crashers is a great example)

A few days ago
Patot T
in a way, yes! if fond of detective or mystery novel, more of the thinking kind than those plain reading/watching funny, humorous stories, which tends to be easy-go-lucky, come-what-may fellows.

but this one’s different- when i was still in college, attending a good school, a guy in the boarding house is known to be taking up master’s degree. it is but natural for us neophytes to be aghast finding him one day reading comics- not just perusing, but really reading intently- instead of scholarly books!

i can’t help but ask- why so? his answer- tired of reading scholarly books- time for a break, hence, the reading of comic books..well…


A few days ago
feles malavernus
i think so. people who read ficiton books tend to be more sociable. i myself have been affected by what i read.