A few days ago


1)5 – 3(2x + 4) = 25

After distributing, the question should read

2)first step for this equation: -3(x – 4) = 2x + 10

3)3 – (x + 4) = 7

What Should You Get After distributing,

4)The first step to solving this equation;

5 – 3(4x + 7) = 2(x + 5), is to…

5)What term gets distributed here?

4 – 3(x + 2)

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

These are all just basic steps. You can’t get far without them.

5 – 3(2x+4) = 25

Multiply each term in the parentheses by -3

5 + (-3)(2x) + (-3)(4) = 25

5 – 6x – 12 = 25

2) First distribute the -3

3) Combine like terms if possible

4) Distribute to get rid of parentheses.

5) Distribute the -3.


A few days ago
To make it easier, let’s make these into some real numbers:


Well, 3 + 4 = 7, so -3(7) would be -21, but that’s NOT distributing. Instead we’ll distribute the -3 and the problem becomes:

(-3 x 3) + (-3 x 4)

To see that we end up with the same answer, let’s finish this one out:

(-9) + (-12) = -21

For your first problem, you’ll be distributing the -3 and it will look like this:

5 – 3(2x + 4) = 25

5 + (-3 * 2x) + (-3 * +4) = 25

5 – 6x – 12 = 25

Normally at this point you combine like terms, but the question didn’t ask for that, so I’ll leave it at this. Now try the rest doing the same thing.