A few days ago

Changing reccuring decimals to fractions?

i have been trying to revise everything that will be in my maths exam but the book i’ve been using dosn’t explain this very well

please could you show me how to change reccuring decimals to fractions


Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Marley K

Favorite Answer

Do you mean repeating decimals? For example, changing 0.333333 . . . back to 1/3?

Okay, this is the process.

First let x = the decimal number

Now, mulitply x by 10

10x = 3.33333 . . .

Subtract x from 10x

10x – x = 3.33333 -0.33333

9x = 3

divide by 9: x = 3/9 = 1/3

Look at this one which just a little harder:

Decimal number: 0.9166666666….

Now we have to do several multiplications:

x = 0.9166666….

1000 x = 916.66666…..

100 x = 91.66666…..


1000x – 100x = 916.66666…. – 91.6666….

900 x = 825

x = 825/900 = 11/12

That’s it. Hope you understand! Just multiply by powers of 10 in order to isolate the repeating part, and subtract it away.


A few days ago
Changing decimals to fractions- I assume you know the places after the decimal (tenths, hundredths, and so on.). All you do is put the number behind the decimal over the number of the last place it is in and simplify. (Example: .13=13/100.)

Changing fractions into Decimals- Divide the top number by the bottom number. (Example- 1/4=.25