A few days ago

can someone please explain the difference between the control group and the experimantal group in a controlled



Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
answer me

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I saw you had two conflicting answers already. So, I figured I would help you decide which one is right. The first answer is poop. He’s confused. The control group is the normal group. And then the experimental group is the one you are applying some type of change too. For example

Control group – Baby’s that listen to no music

Experimental Group 1 – classical music babys

Experimantal group 2 – rock music babys

and so on.


A few days ago
Control group: This is the group that is not having anything done to them or the one that is taking a placebo (sugar pill), the group that the experimental action or stimulus is not being applied to. This is the group the experimental group is compared against. In double blind studies, you may not know which group is the control and which group is the experimental group–this is called a “blinded” study.

Experimental group: the group that is experiencing the stimulus (drug, energy, etc.)

Data is reported on both groups. The control group lets you know how the experimental agent/stimulus affects the experimental group by comparing the data for both.

Make sense?

For example, suppose we are trying out a new pain drug. Ten patients get a sugar pill but don’t know it. Ten patients take the experiemental drug but also don’t know whether they are getting the drug or the sugar pill. The pills all look the same. We compare pain relief for both groups based on a scale of one to ten. If pain remains the same for both groups, then we can expect that the medicine does not work. If one group starts feeling better and one doesn’t, then we can think maybe the experimental drug works. Make sense?

Hope so. If it doesn’t, let me know and I’ll explain it another way. Good luck. Hope this helps.


A few days ago
barb j
The control group is the one that never changes. For example, if I want to test how exercise affects weight loss, I would have one group of people who continue NOT to exercise. That is the control group. The experimental group is the one that you change ONE thing on: Walking 30 minutes a day for example.

A few days ago
Austin B
The control group are the variables you change on purpose. For example, you change the amount of light or temperature in an experiment. You do that to see what happens to the experimental or responding variable. So the difference is controlled is changed on purpose and the experimental happens as a result of the controlled.