A few days ago

can someone help me with a few algebra problems i dont understand?!?

These are the few problems I don’t understand:



5t- t= 3 + 3/2t

2/3x – 1/6 = 1/2x + 5/6

1/2 (3g-2) = g/6

1/4 (5-2h) = h/2

3 (d-8) – 5 = 9 (d + 2) + 1

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Marge S

Favorite Answer

I will help with the first and then you should try the rest on your own.


First distribute the 3.


Second put like terms together. What you do to one side of the equal sign you must do to the other side.



Now divide both sides by -18.



Good luck on the rest.


A few days ago
what’s the point
multiply the numbers outside of the parenthesis by the numbers in the parenthesis

ex. 3 (d-8) – 5 = 9 (d + 2) + 1



A few days ago
Ok, I’ll explain the distributive property and these will all make sense.

When you have a number outside of a parenthetical expression, you multiply both terms by that number:


First, 3 * -2 = -6

Then, 3 * -3x = -6x

So, 3(-2-3x)= -6 – 6x . . . get it?

So for the first problem:

-6 – 6x = -9x -4

Then you need to get variables to one side (the x’s) and the whole numbers to the other:

So let’s add +6x to both sides to get rid of it on the left side:

-6x + 6x = 0 (left side)

-9x + 6x = -3x (right side)

Now, on let’s add +4 to both sides:

-6 + 4 = -2 (left side)

-4 + 4 = 0 (right side)

So what we’re left with is

-3x = -2

Now divide the coefficient -3 through (because we want to get x by itself) on both sides and we get:

x = 2/3

Hope this helped!