A few days ago

Can someone give me a website on how to tell time in spanish?

I took spanish last year and failed with a D. I want to prove to my mom that i can do it. I really had trouble with telling time in spanish. i know you start out with “el tiempo es..” and you ask by saying”cuando es?”. but i still have trouble saying the time. I want to get a head starte and try to master it before school startes. I like visual things to. Also if you can find anything else that has to do with spanish for a 7-8th grade please include that. THANKS!!!

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

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A few days ago
My Spanish teacher last year, whom we called Professora, let us use websites such as www.freetranslation.com to translate from Spanish to Emglish or English to Spanish. Good luck!

A few days ago
Rudy L
This is a good site that has examples.

A few days ago
try websites ending in .sp