A few days ago

can someone explain third person omniscient narrator?

can someone explain third person omniscient narrator?

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

An all knowing voice that isn’t attached to any of the characters. Basically a little god in the story, they know what everyone is thinking and what everyone has done.

A few days ago
It’s when the person telling the story to you is all-knowing, and isn’t the character you’re reading about.

3rd person omniscient is when the narrator says things like, “Little did Tom know, but there was a gator sitting just around the bend. Tom paddled over toward the shore, and thought to himself, “Man, I’m so lucky, I didn’t see any gators!”

In that example, the narrator is 3rd person, as someone not involved in the story personally–it’s the “storyteller”. Omniscient is that the narrator can point out a “gator” that the characters don’t know about, and can tell you what the characters were thinking.


A few days ago
Not knowing the consequences of his actions gemrtz56 confessed, “All I wanted was the two points”, then relaxed realizing there would be no circumstances. This is an example of what you are asking about. Omniscient third person narratives tell a story without actually being connected to the story itself. They indicate characters thoughts and future circumstances of the story.

A few days ago
A method of storytelling in which the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters in the story, as opposed to third person limited, which adheres closely to one character’s perspective.

A few days ago
I answered on your other question as well – but basically a quick run down is that the author telling the story knows what is going to happen… they have the feeling that they know all sides of the story – but are apart of the story. Like a minstrel or story teller perspective. It allows you to see all sides of the story, rather than just from the main characters perspective and to know things that the main character doesn’t know – think like Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey with one story teller giving the entire epic laid out for you there – you know what his wife is doing at home, but you also know what is going on in his journey…

Read Brave New World by Adous Huxley, Hatchet by Gary Paulsen, Beowulf as well to get a better idea.


A few days ago
Narrator seeming to speak with the author’s voice; all knowing, can tell you what each person thinks, and what is to come, but has not yet happened.

A few days ago
Think harry potter.