A few days ago

which biome did an early civilization develop in?

i just need one example of a civilization and which biome it developed in, thanks =]

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
William R

Favorite Answer

Ancient Egypt developed in a large river delta

4 years ago
i think of your question is : Why did early civilizations advance religions? Is that perfect? if so, you have asked an exceptionally thrilling question! First, permit’s record some historical civilizations– Mayan Egypt Greece each and every of those civilizations had someone-friendly secret that grow to be replied with a set of ideals. The secret of demise and the afterlife grow to be a extensive venture and there grow to be a great attempt to describe demise and the afterlife. there have been different mysteries, yet i visit concentration on demise and the afterlife. Now–bear in ideas–those civilizations have been Pre-Christianity, so the Christian perception device does not be conscious to this communicate. The Egyptian perception device had complicated structures to describe what occurred interior the afterlife. Archeologists have got here across the tombs, and the gadgets, paintings paintings on the partitions clarify the Egyptian civilization believed in an afterlife and the tomb grow to be provided with each and every of the fixtures and gadgets a royal member of the society could wish interior the afterlife. The Egyptians believed the soul must be weighed. A determination of worthiness grow to be made with that ritual. So, historical Civilizations used perception structures to describe life. demise, floods, drought,…