A few days ago

can some one help???????

Clustering. Read the paragraph. Then answer the question that follow.

The birth of the island of Surtsey was a violent event. First, a large black cloud burst from the water. A rumbling sound came from under the ocean. The cloud grew to 12,000 feet high. Giant explosions spewed ash, dust, and hot rocks. A mountain rose from the water. A volcano in the ocean had erupted.

1 Underline the topic sentence.

2. What is the topic of the selection? ___________________

3. List 5 details that support the main topic.

A._____________________ B._____________________

C._____________________ D._____________________

E. _____________________

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The topic sentence is the first sentence….(not always, but usually) It tells what the paragraph is about. In this case the topic sentence is the first sentene.

The topic is birth of Surtsey being violent

Details are

1 black cloud burst from water

2 rumbling sound came from under ocean

3. cloud grew to 12,000 feet high

4. giant explosions spewed dust and hot rocks

5. a volcano in the ocean erupted


A few days ago
The topic is The birth of Surtsey


*It was an violent event with a great explosion

*It came from a black cloud that bursted through the ocean

*The cloud grew 12,000 feet high

* a mountain came up from the ocean

*A volcano had erupted


A few days ago
Brady M
I don’t know but good luck with it. Sorry.