A few days ago
titu t

Can anyonre complete the fragments?

1.With your help. need (sub,predicate)

2.left the front door open. sub

3.tall trees and bushes. pred

4.books ,newspapwes, and letters. sub, pred

5.in the corner. sub pred

6.the loud noise. pred

7.had lost the direction home. sub

8.was surprised by the lightning. sub

9.suddenly my friend . pred

10.the hing from the gate. pred

11.enjoyed the party. sub

12.one friday afternoon. sub, pred

13.had been sleeping. sub

14.back and forth. sub pred

15.when the bell rang. sub,pred

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Rockerduderi Jr.

Favorite Answer

I can complete this homework with your help.

As he walked out of the house, John left the door open.

In the forest, there were tall trees and bushes.

I enjoy reading books, newspapers, and letters.

I found her in the corner.

I was startled by the loud noise.

He had lost the direction home.

My friend Jen was surprised by the lightning.

He was suddenly my friend.

The hing from the gate made a weird noise.

I really enjoyed the party.

I lost my way home one Friday afternoon.

When I got home, I found out that my dog had been sleeping.

The conversation went back and forth.

I switched classes when the bell rang.


A few days ago
Empress Jan
The idea is for HIM to do his homework, not us!