A few days ago

Application Help!?

I have to fill in this application form for my new school and there’s this part that goes “How would you contribute to the school?”

I’m not looking for like a whole answer telling me what to write cuz that would be cheating but like HOW am i supposed to reply to something like that??

“I would contribute to the school by…errr….adding to the student body?”

Help??Ideas anyone?

Or tips would be appreciated




Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Dragon Prince

Favorite Answer

This is your chance to shine.

Tell them what you can bring that is unique, things like sports, experience, morals, ethics, languages, hobbies, if your good at managing your time tell them. If your there to purely study say so, but put nice words in like determined, assertive.

Be honest because otherwise you will be caught out, but remember to make it sound like you are bringing something that very few others can. Use words like responsibility, open-minded, and team worker as these will show have life skills and what is sometimes called soft skills.

Good luck with it.

How you start the sentence depends on how the rest of application is laid out. One examples is:

“If you accept me as a student then I bring a wealth of experience and talents such as ……”


A few days ago
Abby D
What they are looking for is if you are interested in music, acting, sports, foreign language, student government, the newspaper, etc. If you really are going to go to strictly study, then tell them that you are a serious student. No shame in that!

A few days ago
maybe by your skills (ex. writing, math), abilities (ex. in a certain sport), tell them you really want to do good in school and want to join clubs and activities, tell them about what you have accomplished and your goals, and how you think you social and energetic personality will fit in at school…etc..

Good luck. I hope i helped.


A few days ago
Honestly that’s a pretty corny question to ask. What do they care, tell’em you’ll be the best student ever or something.