A few days ago

An airplane flies between two cities that are 700 miles apart, traveling with a wind of 25mi/h when going, and

,and traveling against it when retuning. The trip out takes 15 mintues less time than the retuning flight. What is the speed of the plane???PLease need this question…

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

basic distance formula:

distance = speed * time

notice that hour and minutes are differencet unit.

15minutes = .25hr

let a be the speed of the wind

when the airplane travels with the wind its resultant speed is a + 25. (resultant means sum). Now that the airplane returns, it travels agains the wind, the resultant speed of the airplane is a – 25.

now for the time

let t be the time it takes the airplane to travel one city to another in the same direction of the wind. “The trip out takes 15 mintues less time than the retuning flight” tells you the time it takes the airplane to return is 15 minutes (.25hr) MORE than it takes to travel out, thus, the time is t + .25

traveling out:

700 = (a + 25)t


700 = (a – 25) (t + .25)

solve for t

700 = (a + 25)t

t = 700 / (a + 25)

plug t back in the for t in the other equation

700 = (a – 25) (t + .25)

700 = (a – 25) ( 700/(a + 25) + .25)


700 = 700a/(a + 25) + .25a – 17,500/(a + 25) – 6.25

multiply both sides by (a +25)

700(a + 25) = 700a + .25a(a + 25) – 17,500 – 6.25(a + 25)


700a+17,500 =700a+.25a^2 +6.25a – 17,500-6.25a -156.25

combine like terms

700a + 17,500 = .25a^2 + 17,343.75

subtract 700a for both sides and subtract 17,500 for both sides

0 = .25a^2 – 35156.25

35156.25 = .25a^2

a^2 = 140625

a = 375

so the speed of the airplane is 375 mi/hr


A few days ago
Brent and Jenny S
Let’s call v the speed of the plane through the air (not counting the wind). Let’s call t1 the time it takes to get there and t2 the time it takes to get back. We know the formula distance = time * velocity or d = t * v. Then on the first leg,

d = t1 * (v + 25)

700 = t1 * (v + 25)

Similarly, on the return trip,

700 = t2 * (v – 25)

And we know that

t2 = t1 + 15

Now we have three equations with three variables. Solve by substitution.