A few days ago

Alternate History Ideas/Prompt?

I am seeking ideas for an alternative history writing.

I only ask that the historical event have taken place in late 20th century through the present.. suggest the alternate outcome as well!


Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Bill Clinton not caught with his pants down.

No Blue Dress, no Cigar, no scandal.

Al Gore elected president by a comfortable margin.

No forceful response to 9/11.

Emboldened Terrorists create Sharia only zones in Pittsburg and San Francisco.

Mexican Presidente Felipe De Jesus CALDERON Hinojosa decides to “repatriate” Baja Arizona, parts of New Mexico and California before they also fall under Sharia law.

Al Gore declares himself the risen diety, “The Goracle” and preaches a religion of passivity, ignorance and global warming.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad comes to Ground Zero, meets with Al Gore and beheads him on CNN. Fox is banned from the event.

Jesse Jackson is posthumously elected the first Black President.


A few days ago
1. If Reagan died when he was shot in the early 80’s?

2. If the socialists/communism won the cold war?

3. If the US government/military never allowed the Internet to become public?

4. If USA fighter jets intercepted the 9/11/01 jets & were forced to blow them out of the sky (before striking the towers/Pentagon)?


A few days ago
How abouth the moon landing?

The Russians could have beat us,or our spacecraft exploded.