A few days ago

Algebra questions; please help!!!!!!?

* this isn’t homework, its extra credit and i seriously forgot how to do this, so please help. thanks 🙂 Oh and please dont just give me the answer, EXPLAIN IT !!!!!!! thanks again 😀

1. (3x^2-2)(x^2 +4x + 3) { ^2 means to the poser of two or squared}

2. (x^2 + 2x – 8) / (x-2) { same thing for this one and / means division sign}

3. square root of 4x^5 – x square root of x ^3 { ^ again means to the power of }

********* sorry for not knowing how to do the division, square root, or to the power of, signs*******

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Remember first parentheses, then exponents, then divide/multply, then addition/subtraction. PEDMAS.

Also, if it is just multplying and dividing, do it from left to right, similar with the adding and subtracting.


A few days ago
what u gotta do is to break it down(i’m referring to the question)

for example

(3x²-2)(x² +4x + 3)

first solve 3x²(x² +4x + 3)

to give 3x^4 +12x³ + 9x²………………(a)

second solve -2(x² +4x + 3)

to give -2x² -8x -6…………………………(b)

then put (a) and (b) together to get ur answer

3x^4 +12x³ + 9x²-2x² -8x -6

answer= 3x^4 +12x³ + 7x² -8x -6

just apply this method to the rest and u’ll b done in no time