A few days ago

Algebra Help??

Solving systems of equations by elimination (write answer as an ordered pair) please show work

First one- 5x+4y=4


Second one- -7x+8y=32


Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
Zao N

Favorite Answer

In order to solve these problems, you have to first make sure that you can cancel out one of the variables (x or y) by multiplying each equation by a certain number. Then, a simple subtraction problem will help you solve it.


5x+4y=4 and 4x+5y=31/8

I want to cancel out the y-variable so I will multiply each equation by a different number to get the same number on y. I chose to multiply the equations by 8 on one and 10 on the other to get 40y.

8 * (4x+5y=31/8) = 32x+40y=31

10 * (5x+4y=4) = 50x + 40y = 40

Then we set up a subtraction problem with the new equations we get:

50x + 40y = 40

– 32x + 40y = 31


18x + 0y = 9

Now we have a simple equation, 18x = 9

We divide 18 by 9 (9/18 = x) and get x=1/2

Now you can plug x back into any of the two original equations to find y.

5x + 4y = 4 x=1/2

5(1/2) +4y = 4

4y = 4-(5/2)

y = 3/8

The second one is done similarly by finding a variable (x or y) to eliminate by making the number the same on both equations.

Multiply the first equation by 5 to get -35x +40y=160

Multiply the second equation by 7 to get 35x + 42y = 168

Since one of the x variables is positive and the other negative, we can add the equations together this time.

-35x +40y =160

+ 35x + 42y = 168


0x + 82y = 328

Now a simple equation of 82y = 328

Divide 82 on both sides to get y = (328/82}

so y = 4

Plug y=4 back into any of the two original equations

5x + 6y = 24 where y=4

5x + 6(4)=24

5x +24 = 24

so 5x = 0

so x = 0

If this is helpful vote for top answer!