A few days ago

Algebra Help?

I don’t understand these questions

once again

help is greatly appreciated

m / m^-4

b^-4 / b^-5

(a^2b^3)^2 / (ab)^-2

(6a^-1b)^2 / (b^2)^4

now if you can help me with any of these it would help alot

you dont need to answer all of them if you just know one or too of them it would be good

im sorry its kinda hard to read on the computer but there was really nothin i can do a bout it

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The principles to follow are these:

a^p / a^q = a^(p – q) ……………(1)

Subtract q from p. In the first example, p is 1 and q is -4.

The result is therefore a^(1 – (-4)) = a^(1 + 4).

The second one works the same way.

In the third and fourth ones, you need to use:

(a^m b^n)^p = a^(mp)b^(np)

on the top and the bottom separately.

Then use (1) on each of a and b.