A few days ago

What is plagerism exactly???

If i take sentences from a source and reword them but add the source as a reference/citing does it still count as plagiarism? Or is it only if the source isn’t mentioned in bibliography/in paper?

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

If you change it and cite it you are changing someone else’s work and citing it inappropriately, better to just use it as written and cite that way there is not problem

Plagiarism is the theft, the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own original work.


A few days ago
There you go. You’ve got the right idea. You must reference the source in the bibliography or the paper in order to use some one else’s words so people will know you are honest and gave them credit for their work. Good Job. OH You don’t have to change them to quote them and give them credit.

A few days ago
If you add the source as a reference, it is not plagiarism. If you don’t and get credit for your work, it is plagiarism. Usually, the term only refers to something that makes you famous or become popular by stealing from someone else and not acknowledging them.

A few days ago
Basically it’s taking someone else’s work and passing it as your own. In other words simply copying something and saying it’s yours. If you take work and use it as an example for reference purposes then you should state the source so it’s clear that it’s not your work. Changing the wording to disguise the work as copied is also plagiarism.

A few days ago
It all depends. If you’re taking an entire book or article and summarizing it, than it’s not considered plaigarism. Taking a few sentences and just switching words around is considered plaigarism.

Copying something verbatim (or almost so) and then putting it in your references is still plaigarism. Copying something verbatim and then not putting it in your references is not only plaigarism, it’s downright cheating.

The easiest way to avoid plaigarism is to read the book (or whatever media it may be), jot down the main ideas, and use them to write your report.


A few days ago
It is a form of copying another person’s written, copyrighted document or recording. It is illegal and subject to a severe penalty

A few days ago
Experto Credo
No, that is not.

Plagiarism is taking, without alteration, someone else’s work (big partsof it) and trying to fob it off as your own


A few days ago
It’s what kids ask for up here all the time!

Kudos for asking on how to avoid it!