A few days ago

Advertising compare/contrast paper?

I need to write a compare/contrast paper that can be on anything to do with advertising. I was thinking of maybe, advertising now compared to 30 years ago? or how advertising affects America, but to do that i would want to see the effects of ads in other countries. I need some good rescources if anyone has a website or something! thank you!

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

you would see a lot of difference if you compared ads from now vs. 1950s.

women only showed up in ads where they were cooking, mopping floors, or opening a refrigerator. OK, that is an exaggeration, but not by much.

I’m not sure their is enough info, but comparing when to use radio v. print, v TV v internet ads would be really interesting.

There has been a fair amount published on the need to evaluate your brand name in other countries – the Chevy NOVA was a laughing stock, in Spanish speaking countries, because NOVA means NO GO, a very bad name for a car.

How about “do award winning ads sell more product?”

you could compare/contrast both the costs and the estimated sales.

Sorry , i don’t know any sites for any of these.

I would go to a university library and use their professional journals as my sources.


4 years ago
Compare And Contrast Ads

A few days ago
old lady
Advertising has changed somewhat in the past 30 years, but not as much as in the past 60 or 70 years. For a real eyeopener, you could go to your local newspaper office (or your university libraray) and ask to see the microfiche copies of the old newspapers. You can read up on the kinds of claims products made – there was no such thing as truth in advertising! Ads are much more subtle today as well.