A few days ago
Angeli P

a question?

Generally, in print advertisements, people would notice the visuals or image first, then move on to the rest. Visuals can be the strongest element. Does this also hold true to a person that visual or image can be the strongest element? Justify your answer.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Yes, of course! You see people walking everywhere. Naturally you look at them and form opinions. Have you ever looked at someone with big glasses, braces, and lots of books and thought: what a nerd. Or, have you ever looked at someone with nice clean professional clothes, walking with their head held high, and thought: wow, he/she is so confident. Or seen a girl walk down the street with 5 inch heels, clothes that barely cover, gops of makeup on and thought: eww, what a sl*t!

Notice anything common in all of these people? Their impression upon you. First impressions are very important; you see someone and immediately you form a judgement on them. This has happened to me. I’m sure it has happened to you as well. People think something about you, get to know you, and then find out they were way off! I think this is because of stereotypes and surely media plays a big role in this. A man with a sharp suit is depicted as successful, and so that’s what we think. A guy slouching around with baggy clothes and tons of bling is depicted as the “cool dude”. A woman covered in pink is considered cute and girly. And so on and so on. So yes, I think visual image can be the strongest element! Hope this helps 🙂


A few days ago
The first impresssion of a person occurs before they open their mouth to speak. So yes I would say it does hold true. You notice and form an opinion on the way people look and it is the strongest element until you get to know a person.

A few days ago
Wanda K
Your answer is yes. Just think about what you see when you notice a potential friend. Do you see something in someone that make you instantly dislike them? or like them more than any other? WHY? that is YOUR’s to justify.

A few days ago
Jusify my answer? You’ve just copied the whole thing from your homework sheet.
