A few days ago

5 page essay?

how long should an essay be? I have to write an essay on Albert Einstein and It’s 5 pages…? Is that alright?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago
old lady

Favorite Answer

An essay can be one page or it can be twenty pages – or longer. What governs the length of an essay is the amount of information you have on the subject, and how you organize and present it. Einstein is easily worth five pages.

A few days ago
Erica F
Five pages shouldn’t be so hard to do…ususally the standard for essays today is 12 point font, double spaced, Times New Roman, 1 inch margains….hope this helps and good luck!

And remember….don’t plagerize!


A few days ago
An essay should be as long as the teacher says it has to be.

A few days ago
Nicole w
if your teacher didn’t give a maximum and you need 5 pages to cover your topic appropriately i think it should be fine

A few days ago
i guess five pages is good. Are you in college? Anyways, well double-space and put it in MLA format then it might be longer if you want it longer.