A few days ago

4(f – 3) = 4f????

Ho do you do that? I’m top of my class, and yet I can’t figure out what f is. Help?

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

4(f – 3) = 4f

distribute 4


subtract 4f from both sides.

you get -12=0

this means, there is no solution to f.


A few days ago
I think it’s a number line question……

The equation breaks down to : f – 3 = f by dividing both sides by four


– 3 = f – f which doesn’t make sense because – 3 obviously does not equal 0, so faced with an impossibility we then think well instead of looking at absolute sums what would happen if we put the equation on a number line instead? A number line place the equation back at -3 = +f-f. Since negative numbers are a pain I’m going to multipy both sides by -1

so :: +3 = -f +f

Then you can picture in your mind an answer that is not impossibility. And still keep the values of 3=0 (originally it was -3=0 but I multiplied by -1).

on a number line the ” 0 ” would be in the middle which fits the criteria we need above a number that is 0 but yet at the same time is not 0

When we do that then -f and +f does have a value on the number line

– 5 -4 -3 – 2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5

We already accounted for the 0 but what about the negative 3 ? (again temporarily changed to positive 3 because it makes it easier to see the graph in your head).

we need a number which is equal to 3 whole places on the number line and 0 is in the middle.

so f = negative 1 and 1/2 or positive 1 and 1/2.

So when placed on a number line -3 does equal 0 in the confines of the original equation.

ps if I remember my math correctly the answer is written like this : f = (-1 1/2, +1 1/2) or f = ( -1.5,+1.5) where the solution is said to be a “set” of numbers instead of having just one absolute answer.


A few days ago
Distribute 4 on left, so it becomes 4f – 12 = 4f. Then you substract 4f on both sides, and you get -12 = 0. Therefore there are no real answers.

A few days ago
FIRST OF ALL, CONGRATS ON BEING TOP OF YOUR CLASS! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! now, to your question. actually, it’s sort of a trick question. after you distribute, you would have 4f-12=4f, but the F’s cancel each other out, so you end up with no variable. that means there are NO SOLUTIONS.

A few days ago
4(f – 3) = 4f

4f – 12 = 4f

-12 = 0

either you have the equation wrong …. or you were given an equation with NO SOLUTION


A few days ago
lady J
YOU GET -12 Th 4f cancels each other out.

A few days ago
everett k
since it breaks down to: 4F-12=4F it’s either: no solution or infinity. since infinity minus anything is still infinity

7 years ago

A few days ago
what she said