A few days ago

where can i download software for a 1st grader in reading?

he got kept back in 1st grade and i would like to go to a free site and downlload or and place on cd for him to study and learn and put in dvd player to learn

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You can try something like starfall.com or Jumpstart…but honestly, the best way to help him with reading is to just plain read with him. It’s been proven in studies that young children learn much more quickly when they have individual contact than when they just interact with a screen.

The software and audio books are good – I’ve used them with my son – but I would really recommend that you use them as a supplement to actually reading to and with him.

Start out by reading a book to him, pointing to the words and discussing the pictures. Let him look through the book a bit on his own afterward, and then read back through it at his rate – a sentence each, a few sentences, or a page each. Praise him like crazy for every step of progress he makes. Sooner or later, he’ll get it! Boys often take a little longer to begin reading fluently, but if you work with him, he’ll get it – and when he does, he’ll really take off with it.

Good luck!


A few days ago
Thrice Blessed
I don’t know about a download site, but I recommend going to http://www.starfall.com and letting him play the learning to read games on there. Also, I can recommend a book that might help, its called “The Ordinary Parent’s Guide to Teaching Reading”.

Sorry I didn’t have exactly the info you were looking for, I hope what I gave you is of some use though.


Tee, Hee, I just looked at the other answers and I see I was little redundant with mine! πŸ™‚


A few days ago
I used Hooked on Phonics for my oldest a few years back. It worked very well.

Really though, the simplest solution is to go it the old-fashioned way: books. Go to the library and find books that are just at his level. Have him read them until he is confident and then step it up a bit. The easiest and most sure way of learning how to read is simply to read. It need not be more complicated than that. Good luck πŸ™‚


A few days ago
Kayla A
I homeschool my 3 young kids and 2 are learning to read and we use www.starfall.com.It is free and you can download everything needed for free, we actually loved it so good that we bought the books and use the workbooks for a part of there reading.Great for kids,also on the site they can play games and save things that they complete.Hope this helps.

A few days ago
I also recommend reading to him alot. Starfall.com is a great site, leapfrog videos are great as well and can be purchased relatively cheap from Amazon.com. We also use the leap pad with the phonics books and I think they are excellent. Reader rabbit is another good program and you can buy it relatively cheap as well. Spend time with him and work with him, he will catch on.

A few days ago
Its not the schools job or anyone else’s to teach a kid to read. The best choice is to grab some books from the library and do it the old fashioned way.

A few days ago
i dont know about a free site but what i do know is that the most effective way to teach a child to read well is to read to them. My child just turned 5 and she is already reading very well.

A few days ago
try going to the library and get books that are either on tape or CD. That should help.

A few days ago
try going to www.download.com

and then type in “reading” in the search bar…

there should be some free software you can download

good luck!