A few days ago
Question Addict

What are you doing differently this coming year?

Just brainstorming about what I could do to make things different, exciting and fun for this coming school year. What are some things that you might want to change, something that you might have done in the past that you and your kids liked.

Thanks for the info.

I am fairly new to HSing so I don’t have much to share.

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago
Shane M

Favorite Answer

Tell my kids’ teacher what a great job she is doing!



A few days ago
What curriculum are you using? I am going to use ACE paces this year. Accelerated Christian Education. It looks like a great program. It is good to add art projects and exercise class, and library. My kids love going to the library! Sometimes we have school in our pj’s while drinking hot chocolate on cold winter days, or school outside in nice weather. Take a day in the fall to go collect leaves at the park, and talk about the different kind of trees, and then make an art project with the leaves. Even just making cookies can be a learning experience. You can use that to teach them numbers and measurements etc., and it’s a fun treat!

A few days ago
Thrice Blessed
Well, this year my kids are going to have more interaction with other homeschoolers since I’ve started two homeschool groups. Also, I am going to start looking for more enrichment activities for my oldest, things like horseback riding, homeschool orchestra, and other things like that.

I will also will be more organized this year! (Picture me standing and declaring this confidently with a fist in the air, I take a step, then I trip over a stack of books and land on my face in a mountain of papers. Then you will understand how unlikely that really is.)

Seriously though, I purchased a software program called Homeschool Tracker plus, I hope that will at least organize my record keeping!


A few days ago
We’ve been using the Sonlight curriculm in the past. This year I plan not using a curriculum and doing a bunch of unit studies instead. I also purchased a bunch of games, solar system, state & world geography, science, etc. I think we’ll enjoy playing them. I also plan on having them study some things they want. For examply, my 10 year old son really enjoys riding his dirt bike. I plan on doing a unit study on motorcycle parts, engine parts, how it all works, etc. My younger son enjoys science. Haven’t decided on anything for him yet though.

If I were to do things differently, I’d do 4 days of school, and make Friday a fun day with arts & crafts and games.


A few days ago
We have started to implement an actual schedule. It’s not hard and fast, and there is some wiggle room, but we are looking at having a more predictable routine for everything. It seems to be making life easier for all of us. We weren’t getting enough done without a schedule, and the kids weren’t thrilled either. This is better, at least for us.

A few days ago
Sherri L
Now that my kids are older I’ve been adding electives to their regular studies. My daughter is interested in Home Economics and so she is going to do a home ec course. My boys are interested in Consumer Math and Accounting and so I’ll be adding that to their regular studies.

In the past I’ve done foreign language studies with them. We have also done Latin which is excellent for learning the Latin root meanings of many English words.


A few days ago
Janis B
My husband is changing jobs so there will be more supervised time management for our 10th grade son.

We are feeling the pressure of knowing that our son has grown up so quickly. We do not want to lose any opportunities in making sure he learns what he needs to know in the ‘high school’ years of his life. Hopefully, by the time he is 18, he will realize that we are all lifelong learners.


A few days ago
Melissa C
We are getting up earlier! I seem to get more done in the am. Plus my daughter is doing High School sports and one class at the High school. That on top of her busy schedule is going to keep us hopping in the afternoon.



A few days ago
We are actually cutting back on some of the out side activities; the children are getting older, and they are more focused on one or two activities they really like.

They have expressed a desire to spend more time at home, and this their father and I will gladly accommodate them in.


A few days ago
I have no plans to change anything since our way of homeschooling works for our family.

A few days ago
there is an internet dissection instead of a live one you do the same stuff it is just not as messy or nasty

here is the site http://www.froguts.com/flash_content/index.html

click on demos up top then click frogs and begin