A few days ago

Please help me CLEAR OUT my essay question…its strange.?

Select a person and describe and accomplishment/constributions, he or she has made toward harmony among people.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I would say this is a person you know who has done a good deed. How they have accomplished it: is how they did it and what contributions that have given.

The part ‘harmony among people’ I would say makes people happy. I hope this clears your question the rest depends on you and which person you choose


A few days ago
Prabhakar G
What is so very difficult about that. Take the famous example of Mahatma Gandhi. When he came on the national scene the bow of British rule was lying across the plance of India and ,like the Shiv Dhanushya of the Ramayan, it was a challenge even to lift it much more so to string it and shoot an arrow through it. Mahatmajee diplomatically refused to wield the bow onthe pretext that he did not desire to insult Shiv by an act of defiance. He meedly submitted to the laws of the land as imposed by the foreign government but refused to obey those who he felt were unjust. However, he did not resort to any viokence. He broke the laws not secretly but openly and faced all the consequences of the breah of the law.He gave strict orders to the followers never to raise their hand no matter what injustice the government commiteed on them. He knew that the revolutionarise who had taken weapon in hand to gight the Britishers were bonafide patriot but he discourage trying to escape the conseuences of their action by resort to legal nicities but bade them to own up the violationas and bear the consequences. This perhaps gave a big push to the freedom movement and some Bristishers also asided with Gandhiji (CF Andrews e tc.) He believed and preached in non cooperation with government i the implementation of actions which though legal were unjust.The breach was,however, open and non-viokent. The picking up of a handful of sale and taking it without paying the trax on it was such a step which gave a greate impetus to the movement.. These measures not only fireed the imagination of the people but brout them under one flag for the fight against foreign rule. The volunaaryhanding over of power by the Briitish in 1947 was a direct outcome of this total noncooperation wth government.and adiotuib of bonafide steps The Britishers could have held on to power for another hundred years through sheer force. However, Mahatamajee took the power of Britain to wield that gun so much necessary for maintining their rule.India’s is the first example in the world where the struggle for freedodm was fough with truth and nonviolence.

A few days ago
My mother was a wonderful and very caring and fair lady. I am just really sorry that I didn’t get close to my mother before she died a number of yrs ago. She had a beautiful voice and loved to sing to her grand kids, she would always be humming even at work. She could make you laugh with her wonderful since of humor. She would do such fun things with and for her grand kids. I am just glad that my kids are still able to remember her and the time that they were able to spend with her before she passed. I still think about her everyday and even sometimes find my self asking her questions and wishing that she was still here. But I guess in a way she still is here with all of us. I love you Mom.

A few days ago

Marting Luther King-www.time.com/time/time100/leaders/profile/king.htm

Nelson Mandella-www.time.com/time/time100/leaders/profile/mandela.html


A few days ago
the right person is mahatma gandhi..no one can ever match him for that.