A few days ago

home schooling help please?

I want to be home schooled but my mom works so she can’t home school me is there another way I can be home schooled and how can I tell me mom I want to be home schooled.

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago
Amie P

Favorite Answer


I am a teacher who works with a lot of students like yourself, wanting an individualized education. Check out the following websites:




These charter schools/academies offer teacher support and instruction so your parent will not have to carry the burden alone.


A few days ago
That was pretty much the same situation with me for a while. I don’t know how old you are, but for high school I pretty much homeschooled myself — I read the books and did the lessons and homework during the day, and if I had any questions, my mom took a half hour or so to answer them once she got home from work. A lot of the books come with answer keys, so as long as you don’t cheat, you can just do the lessons and then grade your own work when you’re done. In school, usually a lot of what your teachers do is just go over what you’ve already read… Teaching myself really wasn’t too bad.

A few days ago
American Woman
I have a friend who was in this situation. He took control of his future by going to the school office and asking for all the homeschool information or (independent study) and was persistent in his search and calls. He got enough information to just fill his mom in on everything and she was good with it. He is now a team lawyer with his wife and they are raising there first daughter in Sac Ca. Beautiful couple!

A few days ago
My mom is never home and my brother is homeschooled, he does something called online schooling. Er Virtual school? One of the two.

A few days ago
It is alot of work for your mom,if she isn’t feeling like she could do an adequate job of it then don’t push it,accept your mother’s decision and move on.

A few days ago
Try an online school.

They don’t require your parents to be there or to teach you anything.


A few days ago
go look it up is all i can say.

but why do you want to be home schooled?