A few days ago

Can a person that has not paid taxes for a short period of time fill out a FASFA?

My boyfriend lost his job and was living from his savings and doing side jobs here and there. He hasn’t filed taxes since 2004 because he did not make the amount enough to file(I believe?) and now he wants to study again. Will the fact that he has not filed hold him back from recieving federal student aid? Right now he is 28 .

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

There is an option on the fafsa that says “will not file” a tax return. He shoud just check that box and move on to the next question. He will need to know how much money he earned in 06, even if he didn’t file taxes. I think the question says, “Income earned from working” or something similar.

Good Luck.


A few days ago
Look in the phone book under U.S. Government for the Internal revenue Service-Taxpayers Assistance Division and see where the nearest office is located. Have him take his Social Security card ,some ID and any past pay stubs or bank records to show. These folks will do all the paperwork for free.