Harvard Style Papers

Harvard style papers are academic papers written using the Harvard style of writing. Harvard style papers follow the “author-date” parenthetical system of referencing sources inside text, accompanied by a page of reference at the end of the paper. Examples of Harvard style papers include: Harvard style essay, Harvard style term papers, Harvard style research papers, Harvard style thesis and Harvard style dissertation. In Harvard style papers, sources are cited in the text in parenthesis, where the surname of the author and the date of publication of the material are enclosed. The sources referenced in the text are then reflected in a list of reference at the end of Harvard style papers.

In Harvard style papers, parenthesis are placed at the end of sentences in which idea from a source have been used. If subsequent sentences also contain ideas from the same source the word “Ibid” is enclosed in parenthesis instead of repeating the name of the author and the date of publication. While writing Harvard style papers sources with more than two authors are referenced by listing the name of one author followed by “et al”. In cases where the author of the material referenced in Harvard style papers cannot be identified the title of the article takes the place of the authors surname. News papers are referenced by giving the name of the news paper and the date of publication in Harvard style papers. Chapter and page numbers can also be included while referencing Harvard style papers by writing them after the date of publication. Sometime in Harvard style papers, names of authors can be used as part of a sentence, for example; “according to Smith….”, in such a case, only the date of publication is enclosed in

parenthesis. The Harvard style papers allow both paraphrasing and use of quotation inside text. When short quotations are involved, they remain within the respective sentences while long quotations are placed in their own paragraphs and indented.

At the back of Harvard style papers, Harvard style bibliographies are included. These bibliographies are useful in providing the readers of Harvard style papers with more information concerning the sources referenced in the text. Bibliographies in Harvard style papers are is arranged in alphabetical order. Internet sources in Harvard style papers are referenced by giving the authors name first, followed by the date of publication, the title in italics, the date the information was viewed and finally the URL.

Harvard Style Papers

The Harvard style papers are almost similar to paper written using the APA style of writing as both utilizes the parenthetical author/date style of referencing sources inside text. The difference between the two comes from the style of document formatting and arrangement of information of source materials in the bibliography. There are writing companies offering custom writing services for Harvard style essay, Harvard style term paper, Harvard style research paper, Harvard style thesis and dissertation. These companies should have writers with experience and skills in the Harvard style of referencing to ensure the provide quality Harvard style papers.