
How do you compare the human rights visions of government human rights codes and Catholic social teaching?

The human rights visions of government human rights code is base on the natural human dignity attained by all human beings by their free birth, reason and conscience. These codes thus want to promote the brotherhood of all human beings. The code addresses civil and political rights and social and economical rights. Thus the codes promote human equality and advocate for availability of equal privileged to all. The government human rights codes promote the personal right and protect the individual against denial of human dignity. These codes share a lot of principle with the catholic social codes but they differ in the source of those rights. The catholic social code is based in the sacred origin of all human beings (Kenneth, Himes, 2001). The human dignity originates from the creation of man in God image and likeness. Thus every provision in the catholic social code in based on this human dignity with disregard to gender, race, ethnic or any other factor. To the catholic social code religious right is taken as a basic right since human originates from God (Kenneth, Himes, 2001). On the other hand the government human right codes focus on personal freedom and common good.

What contribution (if any) can Catholic social teaching make to assist us in addressing the challenges of today world?

The catholic social teaching can help in addressing the challenges faced in the world today. The social teaching is based of sacred human dignity (Kenneth, Himes, 2001). The social teaching gives an inner understanding of various issues that surround a man. The social teaching does not look human an individuals alone but also their collectivity. The interrelation human are addressed and could be a good base formulating other human right codes.



Kenneth, Himes (2001) Responses to 101 Questions on Catholic Social Teaching, New York:
