Functions of Management


Management is a continuous problem-solving task that is performed by managers. It is not secluded to managers but it can be performed by any person who is in control in any organization. The main goal of management is to achieve speci9fic organizational goals and objectives.

These goals and objectives depends on specific organizations as well as the industry in which the organization is involved in. regardless of the organization or the industry in which the organization is based, there are four basic functions that managers are supposed to play. These functions are controlling, planning, motivating and organizing.


Managers in any organization are charged with the above-mentioned tasks. In order to retain their jobs in this globalizing world managers have to achieve their goals and objectives and in addition, they have to do so in time. The specific functions of managers are analyzed below.


Planning is the ongoing organizational process of developing and maintaining the vision and mission of the organization. On top of this in the process of planning managers, have to decide

Functions of Management

how the organizations goals and objectives will be achieved. Planning is both broad and narrow in nature.

In its broad perspective, it involves accomplishing the organizations mission and in its narrow perspective, it involves the strategies and tactics that the organization will use in order to achieve its objectives.

Managers in the field of management have to ensure that employees are grouped together in order to achieve their organizational goals and objectives. In the process of planning managers, have to set not only short term but also long-term goals for the organization that junior employees have to follow.

Thus in this stage of the management p-0rocess managers have to consider themselves depending on the following questions. Firstly, managers have to evaluate where the organization is compared to other organizations in the same industry. Secondly, managers have to decide and evaluate where the organization wants to be in the short run as well as in the end. Thirdly managers in this stage of the management process have to decide and strategize on how these objectives are going to be achieved not only in the short run but as well as in the long run.


Organizing is the management process that involves the establishment of the internal organizational structure of the specific organization depending on the industry that it is based in. in this sector managers are concerned with the issues of control and division of the various tasks or assignments as well as the continuous flow of information within the specific organization.

Functions of Management

Within this, field managers have the added task or function of distributing authority within the organization to various jobholders.

In the field managers are also charged with the task of translating, the processes that will be involved in achieving the organizations planned steps.

On top of this managers at this stage are also concerned with the issue of assigning tasks to different employees as well as setting realistic deadlines and allocating resources that will be enough to accomplish the assigned tasks without affecting the over all organizational budget.

In addition to this, managers have to make it clear who is responsible for the achievement of certain tasks or objectives. This makes sure that all employees are always kept on their toes to make sure that all objectives are achieved.


Functions of Management

Motivating is not only a physical process but also it is also a psychological process. Managers in any organization are supposed to set up a role model that every employee has to follow. This is because if managers misbehave junior employees will also have the impetus to do the same.

Within this function of motivation, managers should always have the aim of achieving proper employee performance within the organization. With this respect, employees should not only be motivated to assist their fellow employees but they should also be geared towards the achievement of customer satisfaction. This motivation should initially arise from the company managers, who are more influential within the company operations.

For excellent employee satisfaction, managers should ensure that they have excellent reward schemes for their employees for excellent services. This will keep employees always motivated to work hard in order to achieve extra benefits from the organizations management.

In addition to this managers should always be eager to find out specific employee needs in order to be able to assist them further.


Controlling is the most involving tasks of all the four management tasks. This is because it is a four-stepped process. The controlling function involves the establishment of performance standards. These performance standards have to be bin line with the company’s goals and or objectives.

Functions of Management

This stage also involves the measurement using statistical tools as well as the recording and reporting of the actual performance level of the organization or company. After this is done managers have also to make sure that they compare the two issues and depending on the outcome whether positive or negative, they have to take correction measures, or if things are not too bad they can take preventive measures to avoid the chance of the organization going out of control.


Management of any organization can be an easy task or a hard task. What matters most is the system of the organizational culture within the specific organization. In addition to this, the issue of specialization and division of labor also does matter. The level of education or acquired skills of the employees also matters a great deal in assisting managers to achieve their goals and objectives.


James Higgins. 1994. The Management Challenge. New York: Macmillan.

Functions of Management

Estep, T. 2005. Be a better manager. ASTD