A few days ago

Why wash your hands?

Why is it a good idea to wash your hands with soap specially after laboratory work?

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Like everyone is saying— Germs.

It’s found if you wash your hands a lot and put hand sanlitizer on your hands, it cuts your chances of getting colds so much! Plus, it’s not good to have chemicals from lab work on your hands.


A few days ago
Well; at any time, washing your hands with soap is good to get rid of germs, while at the same time make you feel clean and happy and smell good (smelling bad can also be due to germs).

When working in a laboratory, though, there’s an entirely separate reason: the fact that the laboratory is full of chemicals (some of which are corrosive, staining, or otherwise just plain wonky) means that it’s better to keep yourself clean: you don’t know when you’ve got some deadly chemical on the hand you’re going to be eating that sandwich with later.

Also, since the laboratory is a (somewhat) sterile environment, you also risk contaminating other things you touch while in there with chemicals you’ve handled before. Remember that contaminated apparatus cannot register accurate results, and that means you’re probably going to get some inaccurate measurement, which in turn equals a bad grade =O (assuming it’s in school. In the workplace, expect more disastrous results =D)

=3 Hope this helps.


A few days ago
There r certain chemicals which r harmful for the body & u need to get rid of them so soap is used to sterlise our hands.

Certain bacteria & other micro organisms can spread their infections through u if u do not wash your hands.


A few days ago
You need to wash your hands to remove any germs or contaminants. Are you the chick that uses the bathroom at WalMart and doesn’t wash her hands?

A few days ago
Laboratory works expose yourself to some chemicals,microbial ,pathogen which can cause serious human disease . I believe PROPER HANDWASHING is one of the easiest and effective way to protect yourself from many infectious diseases.

A few days ago
It helps keep germs away. It depends on what kind of labratory you work in, though. If your working with chemicals or bacteria, it would be good to ingest them (but then you would be wearing gloves…).

A few days ago
To kill all germs and keep you from getting sick!!!!!!

A few days ago
♥ ♥Be Happi♥ ♥
Uh – – GERMS.