A few days ago

why does it irratate people when other people dont pronounce words properly?

why does it irratate people when other people dont pronounce words properly?

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

As above, not only lazy and uneducated, but unintelligent. Which is really unfair for the speaker of the improperly pronounced word because it represents them in a manner that they probably do not want thought of them. Furthermore, it might cause them to regularly incorporate the mispronouced word on a regular basis and have negative side effects on opportunities such as job interviews, or even dates. You could be dating a hot, intelligent person and you blow it by seeming an idiot. There is a lot of things you can affect by doing this sort thing.

A few days ago
Yeah, I’m Indian and here English isn’t our native tongue; so many people don’t get the pronunciation right.

But I’ve just got out of high school with top grades in English (i.e. I read a lot, write quite well and have a good vocab) and it does irritate me when older people like teachers can’t pronounce words properly!


A few days ago
Because when u know how a word should be pronounced, it seems as though the speaker is ignorant or lazy. It also makes them diffcult to understand. I’ll tell u what also irritates me -poor spelling. (Sorry!)

A few days ago
I normally overlook it. But there a few exceptions. The most irritating of all is when well-educated people say “ex-cape” for “escape,” “ex-pecially” for “especially,” “ash-fault” for “asphalt,” and so on.

The most widely known example is President Bush. Nobody can understand why he refuses to pronounce “nuclear” correctly.


A few days ago
It shouldn’t. Unless the person learns the correct pronunciation and continues to mis-pronounce it.

That said, many words have alternative ‘correct’ pronunciations, so those that insist that only their version is correct are just jerks.


A few days ago
Basically, everyone believes that the way they talk is the “correct” way. There are different accents (northern, southern, etc.) and emphasis is placed on different syllables.

A few days ago
Kim B
Because it makes the speaker sound lazy and uneducated.