A few days ago
Farmer & Granny Crabtree

Whut duz “Nasocanastic Vehicularopic” mean? Is it a medical condition?

Granny Crabtree: “Enuff with yer danged crossword puzzles!”

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It means you have a spaceship with a big nose or your nose is as big as a spaceship or a car full of short sighted nose eating cannibals. I hope this helps you to decombobulate your conundrumnastic reticulations.

A few days ago
Does it mean that you know someone who is a one man band, who travels all the time?

Don’t worry! It’s only an internal bleeding heart, you won’t suffer much longer as he’s got a gig tonight.

(Jokey, pokey no offence intended)


A few days ago
Aquatic Rodent ‘”)
I got this from Babble, It literally means “son of a butt-kazoo who snorted the family spaceship up his trunk” in slang Vogon.

A few days ago
Gary B
Sounds bogus to me. “Canastic” is slang for “fantastic, awesome.”