A few days ago

Who can give more examples of homographs(words w/ the same spelling but diff. pronunciation and meaning)?

e.g. bow – a looped knot

bow – bend head and body forward

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
The Electro Ferret

Favorite Answer

Polish…meaning being from Poland

polish…something I do to my shoes every morning.


5 years ago
bass ** (n) Joey auditioned for the band while it was seeking someone to play bass. ** (n) The store was selling an animatronic bigmouth bass that would open its mouth and sing “Take Me to the River” whenever someone passed by. close ** (v) Cliff still has to close his eyes to be able to eat calamari. ** (a) It seemed that the story in the newspaper had hit a little too close to home. conflict ** (n) The mother said to her belligerent son, “Violence is no way to resolve conflict!” ** (v) The two news reports seem to conflict each other. *do ** , (v) What do you think you are doing? ** (n) To warm-up, the singer sang the scale from do. *dove ** (n) The dove is a kind of bird. ** (v) He dove into the pool number ** (n) What is your phone number? ** (a) My cold toes were number than hers. present ** (a) All need to be present for a unanimous vote. ** (n) ** (v) He will present his ideas to the Board of Directors tomorrow. read ** The new Jonathan Safran Foer book is an awful read. ** Once I had read the note I tore it into little bits and swallowed them record ** AmE BrE (n) She played a vinyl record on her old turntable. ** BrE (v) Did he record the concert with his camcorder? *refuse ** (v) If you refuse the background check, we cannot hire you. ** (n) Please clean up all of your refuse. *resume ** Resume breathing or you will surely faint! ** My resume makes ample use of the font Impact wind ** How did we wind up in Kansas? ** The wind blew from the northeast

A few days ago
Tear – you cry a tear or to rip something

A few days ago
Karen L
minute – length of time

minute – very small.