A few days ago
sheryl i

when can we use the there and their in the sentence?

give samples

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago
Troy Burnique

Favorite Answer

There would be like a place, and their would be a person.

They should take their stuff over there.


A few days ago
There is a demonstrative pronoun. It’s used to indicate a location.

ex. She went there to look for her missing bag.

Their is a possessive adjective, used before a noun to indicate ownership by three or more persons.

ex. Their bags were found hidden under the boy’s desk.

Using both: She found their bags under the boy’s desk when she went there for a look.


A few days ago
There are seven cookies in the kitchen of their home.

Their bags are left there in the room.

The cat there has eaten their fish.

-Daniel from DC Educational Group

Do email me if you need any professional help in English!


A few days ago
Their = subjective

There = objective

I asked for their orders and they all wanted the special.

Please put your coats on the rack over there.


A few days ago
hb kitten
Nina and Kym left their beers on the bar, over there.

A few days ago
“There” can be used to indicate a location as in “Look over there”.

“Their” is used to indicate something that belongs to them as in “Take all of their clothes”

There is also “they’re” which is short for “they are” as in “They’re getting robbed”

So all together now:

“They’re naked, standing over there, after their clothes were stolen”


A few days ago
Those are my new neighbours. Their house is over there.

A few days ago
2 thumbs for wisso, very well explained!!!! now I don’t have to answer………..
