A few days ago

is someone very good at rephrasing things, because i need to rephrase this?

i need to rephrase this for something please help me:

In “We Real Cool” by Gwendolyn Brooks and “Follow Me” by Sage Francis, both poets use mood effectively to convey their message.

If u can help me, then please do, i need to do this, so thank you!

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Since this is homework, and I’m a former English teacher, I won’t give you the answer, but I will help you figure out how to do this yourself:

1. Ask yourself what the sentence is saying.

2. You know you can’t change any of the titles or poets’ names.

3. Ask yourself if you would use certain words in your normal manner of speaking (hint: convey)

4. Look at the sentence structure. Note that it starts with a prepositional phrase instead of the subject.

5. Look at some of the key words used and see if you can come up with synonyms for those words that work. Ideally, these synonyms will be words you actually use. Here’s an online thesaurus to help: http://www.m-w.com (click on Thesaurus in the search box).

6. Think of this as a word puzzle and just start brainstorming the different ways you can write a sentence that sounds anything like what this one says. Use different words, different sentence structures, etc. Make it more than one sentence if you want for purposes of brainstorming.

7. Now look at your ideas and put one together that’s uniquely your own.

You can do this! Make it a challenge that you can have fun with. Don’t stress getting it right during the brainstorming. Relax, and the phrasing will almost jump out at you after you’ve done the things I’ve suggested above.

Happy writing!


A few days ago
I would rephrase it like this:

Both Gwendolyn Brooks in We real cool and Sage Francis in Follow me use mood effectively to convey their message

I can’t think of a better way


A few days ago
Dear Carlos
“We Real Cool” by Gwendolyn Brooks and “Follow Me” by Sage Francis: both are effective poems that use mood to convey a message.

A few days ago
Uncle John
You have found a quote for a homework assignment and you want us to help you plagiarize by discgusing someone else’s thoughts and work as your own.

I respectfully decline. Do your own work.