What would make someone like Webster or Sir Thomas Elyot write the dictionary how bord do u gotta be?
Favorite Answer
It’s not boredom; it’s called ‘educated’.
Whether they do it out of slothfulness or ignorance, people who misspell appear ignorant. If I read something that is full of misspellings, why should I believe a word that is said? The speaker didn’t even bother to spell correctly. How can I trust that they are intelligent enough to have something I want to hear?
You are doing yourself a disservice when you write something like “how bord do u gotta be?” It is particularly disturbing to see this written here, where a lot of people spend a great deal of time and effort to answer questions eloquently. Don’t act like an idiot. Over time, you’ll become one. Use your brain and become someone you can be proud of. It’s like a muscle that will get stronger with use.
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