A few days ago

What’s the difference between english subtitles & closed captioned for the hearing impaired?

When I’m watching a DVD & need to use subtitles (cause it’s during a family gathering and we can’t always hear what’s going on) – In the language menu I have noticed that with many DVD’s both options are available. What’s the difference?

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Big difference! English subtitles help when the movie can or is played in another language, (let’s say, Italian), it can allow people from 2 different linguistic backgrounds to watch the same movie at the same time.

Closed Captioning for the hearing impaired is the transcripts of the movie, which, could be identical to English Subtitles, but English Subtitles aren’t closed captioning. (lol, one of those “a tadpole is a frog but a frog isn’t a tadpole” kind of answers) ๐Ÿ™‚


4 years ago
Closed Captioning Vs Subtitles

6 years ago
This Site Might Help You.

What's the difference between english subtitles & closed captioned for the hearing impaired?
When I'm watching a DVD & need to use subtitles (cause it's during a family gathering and we can't always hear what's going on) – In the language menu I have noticed that with many DVD's both options are available. What's the difference?


7 years ago
The primary difference is that captions are in the native spoken language of the audio, and they include all of the important audio information and cues, like ringing phones, barking dogs, music in the background, etc.

Subtitles are generally a translation of the spoken language, and they only cover the dialogue, not the other audio information.

Visit the Captioning Key for more info on styling and creating captions: www.dcmp.org/captioningkey/โ€Ž


5 years ago
Subtitles tell you just what the people are saying. They assume you hear what is going on in the back ground. Closed captioning will also tell you what is going on. For example if if it is playing music it will show musical notes. If it is raining or thundering it will tell you. That way you know what is going on in the back ground of the movie as well as what is being said.

5 years ago
English subtitles are just English. Like if someone stomped on the floor and yelled shut up it would just say “shut Up” on the screen. Sub for the hearing impaired is with noises so using the same example it would say “[loud stomp/thud] Person: Shut up” though sometimes it doesn’t have the names

A few days ago
Kellie T
English subtitles are the English translation of the dialogue. Where as Closed Captions add in the other sounds eg. (knock, knock) when there is a knock at the door or, (a gunshot is heard in the background)

A few days ago
I can’t improve on the explanation “Aloha Hilo Hattie” has given you.

A few days ago
is there one?