A few days ago

choose the sentence which contains an indirect object.?

a. I worked hard each day. b. They gave me a bonus. c. I spent it immediately. d. It is difficult to save money.

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

B. The indirect object is me, since the sentence could otherwise read, “They gave a bonus to me.” Since, “they” are not giving away “me”, “me” is the indirect object.

6 years ago
Choose the sentence which contains an indirect object.

A. I spent it immediately.
B. I worked hard each day.
C. It is difficult to save money.
D. They gave me a bonus.

B. they gave me a bonus


5 years ago
Good heavens! I am shocked at all the wrong answers. Okay…first find the subject of the sentence. Then, find the action verb. Then, find the direct object (which receives the action of the verb). Then ask yourself, For whom or what? To whom or what? By whom or what? Look at A. Subject = I Verb = worked To find the direct object, ask, “I worked what?” Of course, there is no direct object. In this sentence, “worked” is intransitive and requires no direct object. Thus, no indirect object Look at B. Subject = They Verb = gave. To find the direct object, ask, “They gave what?” Bonus. “Bonus” is the direct object. Now, ask yourself “They gave a bonus to whom?” They gave a bonus *to me.* Me is the indirect object. Look at C. Subject = I Verb = spent To find the direct object, ask, “I spent what?” In this case, it is the pronoun “it.” Immediately is an adverb because it tells how I spent it. Look at D. Subject = It Verb = is Is there an action going on? No, so “is” exists as a linking verb here. Since there is no action going on, there cannot be a direct or indirect object. “To save money” is a prepositional phrase that simply tells more about the situation. Hope this helps! Always find the simple subject and simple predicate (the verb) first.

A few days ago
D. The subject referred to is INDIRECTLY confirmed in the sentence: money.

A few days ago
Ann W

A few days ago
b. i.o. = bonus.