A few days ago

what real word rhymes with orange?

some guy tried to bet me i could’nt find a word that rhymes with orange but im gonna try but please has to be a real word.

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago
Mr Answerman

Favorite Answer

There isn’t one.

A few days ago
It depends on what kind of rhyme you mean.

There is no PERFECT rhyme with orange; that is, no rhyme that includes two syllables with the same vowel sounds (which basically would mean putting a consonant in front of the word orange).

That said, you’ll get many examples like “porridge,” which is not a rhyme at all (idge vs. ange), and “range” which is also not a rhyme other than the ‘nge’ part.

Then there are words like “binge” and “hinge,” which include a rhyme with the second syllable of orange, but not the first.

My favorite example is the phrase “door hinge.” That’s as close as I can get.

Of course, there are always made-up words like “florange,” from the Urban Dictionary, meaning ” to create out of necessity.”


“There are no words that rhyme with orange so I had to florange one.”


A few days ago
This has been a trick question since the 1600s. The word “orange” comes from French, but was purposely mispronounced (an “a” as in “ahh” instead of like the a in “at”). Therefore, there isn’t a word in English that rhymes with Orange.

A few days ago
Zealous Devil
There’s no word that rhymes with orange, trust me. That guy probably even knew from the start that there isn’t a word that rhymes with orange. I think he’s trying to fool you.

A few days ago
That was a dumb bet and sorry you lost. There is no word in the English diction that rhymes with orange.

A few days ago
Well then let’s make one up.

Lorange sounds like orange but with the ‘L’ sound.

Now what can it mean? It has to be clean so most of society can use it daily.


A few minutes later……. I got it! Lorange- the raspy sound when filing your fingernail with an emery board.

Now, there is a word that rhymes with orange and has a meaning.

Sentence form:

I don’t like the sound of lorange when you file your nails. Or, Lorange grates on my nerves when you file your nails.


A few days ago
selimex_01 gave you two answers, but

porridge obviously does NOT rhyme with orange.

I guess that leaves

syringe, but it’s not an exact rhyme.


A few days ago
There once was a man from Nantucket

Who carried his fruit in a bucket.

He dropped a ripe orange

That was crushed in a door hinge

To which he replied, “Ah, well …I’ve got a whole pail full.”


A few days ago
nothing rhymes with orange. just like nothing rhymes with purple. or silver. there are half rhymes but nothing exact.

A few days ago
ive got one but its two words—-

door hinge or it could be



A few days ago

You must have found this word by your own .

Others are-


many more!!!!!!!!you need to wait.

Till then answer one of my questions.

check it in my profile