A few days ago

What is the longest word that you can spell forward and backward?

What is the longest word that you can spell forward and backward?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

If I think slowly enough, I believe I could spell any word backwards that I can spell forwards. Completely untested, of course!

A few days ago
Dawn’s answer is cute, but of course is made up

Actually, that may be the problem with many purported answers to your question.

Two two most often awarded the “longest one-word palindrome” award (each with 12 letters) are:

a) TATTARRATTAT–longest one listed in the Oxford English Dictionary. This word was invented by James Joyce to indicate the sound of someone knocking on the door.

b) DETARTRATED – a chemical term (though a rather contrived one) which the Guinness book accepts as the longest

Close behind are:

d) KINNIKINNIK (11 letters) – “a preparation made from dried leaves, bark, and sometimes tobacco and smoked especially by certain Native American peoples”. This one, at least, was not invented for this purpose (I don’t think!)

d) REDIVIDER (10 letters) — this appears to be the longest “ordinary” word (one not invented to BE long, ‘native English’, and one you might actually find in use!)


A few days ago
Somewhere around second grade I learned how to spell Mississippi backwards. It’s become so second nature that I might as well be spelling it forwards.

A few days ago
Dawn G
aibohpphobia – the fear of palindromes


All words are made up at some point, but I did not make this one up. It was actually a question on the Millionaire game show!


A few days ago


hope this helps.