A few days ago

what is the correct spelling for a the word that sounds “medifor” And its meaning?

what is the correct spelling for a the word that sounds “medifor” And its meaning?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I’m not sure, but I think you mean metaphor. A metaphor is a literary device — something writers use to make their stories more interesting or to make their point more clear.

Basically, it’s a way to make a comparison between two things that are unrelated to make a point. It’s saying something *is* something else: “Class is hell and the teacher is the devil” is a metaphor.

But don’t confuse it with a simile. A simile is when you say something is *like* something else. For instance, “She is like a flower” is a simile. “She is a flower that blooms in my heart” is a metaphor (and a cheesy one at that).


A few days ago

A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison, as in “a sea of troubles” or “All the world’s a stage” (Shakespeare).


A few days ago
I think the word you’re looking for is “metaphor.”

It is when you take a word or phrase which LITERALLY means one thing and use it to symbolize a similarity to a different object or idea.


A few days ago
“metaphor” is the proper spelling. It means: . a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance, as in “A mighty fortress is our God.” Compare mixed metaphor, simile (def. 1).

A few days ago
The correct pronunciation is met-ah-for and the spelling is metaphor.

A metaphor is a comparison without using like or as.



A few days ago
metaphor- comparing two things saying that one is the other- example:

Angelina Jolie’s lips are balloons- Signifying that her lips are big and puffy.