A few days ago

what is o.c.d?

what is o.c.d?

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

obsessive compulsive disorder

Here is a website that gives a quick overview of it:


and to all those people who said that people with it have to do something a certain number of times… they’re right but that is def not it. it is different for everyone, some people count every step they have ever taken while others have OCD and have to have everything lined up a certain way.

It is a very ritual way of living…. if they skip one step of ther ritual (on purpose or not) they begin to get very anxious and then obsess over it


A few days ago
OCD is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

A few days ago
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, mental illness in which a person experiences recurrent, intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and feels compelled to perform certain behaviors (compulsions) again and again. Most people have experienced bizarre or inappropriate thoughts and have engaged in repetitive behaviors at times. However, people with obsessive-compulsive disorder find that their disturbing thoughts and behaviors consume large amounts of time, cause them anxiety and distress, and interfere with their ability to function at work and in social activities. Most people with this disorder recognize that their obsessions and compulsions are irrational but cannot suppress them.

A few days ago
O.C.D. is “obsessive-compulsive disorder.”

A few days ago
o c d is obsessive compulsive dissorder. People suffering from this condition have to do something or a certain number of things to make them feel at ease

A few days ago
obsessive compulsion disorder,it means that you always feel like you have to do something before you can do something else,like you have to touch something a certain amount of times before you do something else,say i had to turn my door nob 3 times before i would allow myself to open it,or i had to make sure i cleaned all the floors in the house before i could leave,thing like that counting,cleaning,etc.It happens to the best of us,we just put rules about things in our mind that we can’t get out,it could be caused from stress, anxiety and the such,or for no apparent reason…..hope this helps…try to talk feeling out before getting medicated for this,They can make you worse with the drugs they experiment on you or whoever…Take Good Care.Hugs

A few days ago
Obsesive compulsive disorder,its something that you have like say you touch a door knob with your right hand so you have to go back and touch it with your left or else you feel all weird.hope that helped

A few days ago
ms. janiszewski
obsessive compulsive disorder…